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Design Document Template


Specify which library folder this module belongs to. For example: peripherals.


This should be 1 line and can be any of the following:

  • Interface
    • When designing a class interface that can be implemented in many ways, then write this.
  • Structure
    • When designing a complex data structure then write this.
  • Implementation
    • When implementing an interface or a class without an interface write this.
  • Software Architecture
    • When implementing something that usually involves a system of software modules write this.
  • Platform
    • When adding or changing a platform write this.
  • Build
    • When adding or changing an aspect of the build system write this.


Add a section explaining the background of the part. For example if you were making a module for an LCD screen, you can talk about the communication protocol used to communicate with it, its size, its use cases, and any other detailed information about how this system works.

Overview (all)

A short overview of:

  1. What you are designing.
  2. How it adds to code base.
  3. Some examples of how this can be used, if applicable.

Detailed Design (all)

Build CLI (Build)

Write out how a user will be able to utilize the new build feature.

make <TARGET> <NEW_PARAMETER>=[option1/option2/option3/...]

API (Interfaces/Implementation/Structure/Software Architecture)

Write the class/structure definition of the module. Do not include comments here. Make this nice and simple. The names of methods and parameters should be obvious to those experienced in the field.

class ApiTemplate
  virtual void Initialize() = 0;
  virtual void Method1() = 0;
  virtual Status Method2(int param1, Type param_type) = 0;
  virtual void Method3() = 0;
  // ...

Platform Porting (platform)

Definitions File

Provide link to the .h header file full of definitions.

Linker Script

Write out the linker script here or explain which linker script you will build from. If you are deriving from another linker script, explain what things you are changing.

Host Communication: Stdout & stdin

Explain how you are going to handle stdout/stdin. Will you use UART, USB, RS232, etc?

Millisecond Counter

Provide a way to get a millisecond counter used for Uptime().

Heap Allocation

Provide the way you are handling heap allocation on this platform.


Provide how you are integrating FreeRTOS. This is typically just listing which FreeRTOS port files you are going to use for the platform.

Interrupt Vector Table

Explain how you are integrating this interrupt vector table into the port.

Writing .mk file

Write a rough draft of the submake file for the platform.


Finally, explain how you are going to put all of the above together to make a proper startup/reset procedure, prior to calling main().


Explain any caveats about your design. This area is very important to make it easy for those reading this design document to understand why they should or should not use a particular design. This area is explicitly here for providing known costs inherit in the design, such as:

  • Performance costs
    • Does this solution have any inheriant performance issues.
    • Example: Gpio Interrupt counter works well when used for something that is low frequency. If too many signals come in, or the pin is floating, then many interrupts willbe fired, leaving very little time for the processor to do work.
  • Space costs
    • Does your module use up a lot of memory.
    • Example: SSD1308 OLED display driver makes a (128x64)/8 block of memory
  • Compile time costs
    • Does this feature, when used, result in slower compile times.
    • Example: Use of this module utilizes complex template meta-programming and this results in an additional 2s of build time when compiling hello_world project.
  • Usage costs
    • How difficult, complicated, or inelegant is using this module.
    • Example: Usage of this module requires coordination between 5 seperate modules, for which, if just 1 of them is not initialized correctly, will result in undefined behavior.
  • Safety costs
    • Something about the feature that may invoke undefined behavior
    • Example: If the implementation's refresh method has not been called within 5 seconds of each other, the behavior of the module will be undefined.
  • Portability costs
    • Is this solution specific to a particular compiler
    • Example: The fixed sized sjsu::List<> object utilizes hidden std library structure definitions depending on the specific stl library or compiler, so using this on anything other than GCC or CLANG, it will fallback to another type, but that may not properly reflect the amount of memory being used.

Future Advancements (optional)

Add a list of improvements that can improve or extend this further in the future, state them here. Otherwise, put "N/A".

Testing Plan

This section is irrelevant to Interface and Structure type documents.

Unit Testing Scheme (only for interface/system architecture)

Please explain what techniques you plan on using to test the

Integration Testing (only for build)

Write a plan for testing that the new build feature works across platforms. Using TravisCI and checking manually that it completed as expected is the usual approach.

Demonstration Project (only for implementation/system architecture)

Write up simplified code example that demonstrates how your system will be used. This should not be as detailed as your actual demonstration project. Should be a small snippet that shows the simplest usage of your module.