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FreeRTOS Task Interface






The Task interface is an abstraction layer for FreeRTOS tasks.

Information regarding FreeRTOS tasks can be found here.


Tasks that are scheduled and managed by the TaskScheduler. Task objects must inherit the Task interface.

Detailed Design


class TaskInterface
  virtual TaskSchedulerInterface & GetTaskScheduler() const = 0;
  virtual bool Setup()                                      = 0;
  virtual bool PreRun()                                     = 0;
  virtual bool Run()                                        = 0;
  virtual void Suspend() const                              = 0;
  virtual void Resume() const                               = 0;
  virtual void Delete() const                               = 0;
  virtual const char * GetName() const                      = 0;
  virtual Priority GetPriority() const                      = 0;
  virtual size_t GetStackSize() const                       = 0;
  virtual void SetHandle(TaskHandle_t * handle)             = 0;
  virtual TaskHandle_t * GetHandle()                        = 0;
  virtual StaticTask_t * GetTaskBuffer()                    = 0;
  virtual StackType_t * GetStack()                          = 0;
  virtual void SetDelayTime(uint32_t time)                  = 0;
  virtual uint32_t GetDelayTime() const                     = 0;

template <size_t kStackSize>
class Task : public TaskInterface
  TaskSchedulerInterface & GetTaskScheduler() const override;
  bool Setup() override;
  bool PreRun() override;
  void Suspend() const override;
  void Resume() const override;
  void Delete() const override;
  const char * GetName() const override;
  Priority GetPriority() const override;
  size_t GetStackSize() const override;
  void SetHandle(TaskHandle_t * handle) override;
  TaskHandle_t * GetHandle() override;
  StaticTask_t * GetTaskBuffer() override;
  StackType_t * GetStack() override;
  void SetDelayTime(uint32_t time) override;
  uint32_t GetDelayTime() const override;
  virtual ~Task() {}

  explicit constexpr Task(const char * name,
                          Priority priority,
                          TaskSchedulerInterface & task_scheduler);
  bool DeclaredOnStackCheck() const;

  TaskSchedulerInterface & task_scheduler_;
  const char * const kName;
  const Priority kPriority;
  TaskHandle_t handle_;
  uint32_t delay_time_;
  StaticTask_t task_buffer_;
  StackType_t stack_[kStackSize];

Static Allocation of Tasks

Tasks are statically allocated and the FreeRTOS task handle is created and managed by the TaskScheduler. To enable the static allocation of tasks, the configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION definition is set to 1 in FreeRTOSConfig.h and the implementation of vApplicationGetIdleTaskMemory() must also be provided to statically allocate memory for the FreeRTOS idle task when vTaskStartScheduler() is invoked.

Note: Static allocation for FreeRTOS is enabled by default in SJSU-Dev2.

static StaticTask_t idle_task_tcb;
static StackType_t idle_task_stack[configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE];
extern "C" void vApplicationGetIdleTaskMemory(
    StaticTask_t ** ppx_idle_task_tcb_buffer,
    StackType_t ** ppx_idle_task_stack_buffer,
    uint32_t * pul_idle_task_stack_size)
  *ppx_idle_task_tcb_buffer   = &idle_task_tcb;
  *ppx_idle_task_stack_buffer = idle_task_stack;
  *pul_idle_task_stack_size   = std::size(idle_task_stack);

More information regarding static allocation of FreeRTOS objects can be found here.


bool DeclaredOnStack()

The DeclaredOnStack() method checks if the address position of the Task object is within the bounds of the heap or the .bss and data segments. A fatal error is asserted if the tasks exists on the stack.

explicit constexpr Task(const char *, Priority, TaskSchedulerInterface &)

The following is performed when the task is constructed:

  1. Store the specified name, priority, and designated TaskScheduler.
  2. Set the initial delay time to 0.
  3. Invoke DeclaredOnStack() to check the task exists in the heap or is declared globally.
  4. Add the task to the specified task_scheduler. This scheduler will be responsible for creating and managing this task.

Inheriting the Task Interface class

When a task begins, the methods Setup(), PreRun(), and Run() are invoked in the following order:

  1. Setup()
  2. PreRun()
  3. Run()

These methods should be overridden in the inheriting class to provide any initialization and/or execution code that are performed by the task.

void Setup() override

Setup is performed when Start() of the TaskScheduler is invoked. If the Setup() of a scheduler task fails to complete, the scheduler will not start and a fatal error will be asserted. The function should be overridden with any initialization code that the task requires.

void PreRun() override

PreRun() is invoked after starting the task scheduler once before Run() is ever called. PreRun() is performed after Setup() of all scheduled Tasks are complete. Therefore, this method should be overridden if the task requires a different Task to be setup first.

void Run() override

Continuously invoked until the task has been temporarily suspended by Suspend() or terminated.

The Run() method MUST be overridden with the desired task execution code.

Suspending and Resuming a Task

void Suspend() const override

Suspends the task until resumed by Resume().

void Resume() const override

Resumes the task if the task was suspended by Suspend().

Removing a Task

void Delete() override

Suspends the task if it is running and invokes the TaskScheduler’s RemoveTask() method to remove this task from the scheduler.

Configuring Execution Frequency

A task can be configured to be executed at a constant desired frequency through the SetDelayTime() function.

void SetDelayTime(uint32_t time) override

Sets the delay time in FreeRTOS ticks to ensure Run() is called at a desired frequency for periodic tasks. For example, if time = 1000 and the rtos tick period is 1ms, then Run() will be invoked every 1 second.

const uint32_t GetDelayTime() const override

Returns the delay time that was set by SetDelayTime() in milliseconds.

Additional Helper Functions

const char * GetName() const override

Returns the name used to identify the task.

Priority GetPriority() const override

Returns the priority of the task.

size_t GetStackSize() const override

Returns the pre-allocated stack size for the task in bytes.

void SetHandle(TaskHandle_t * handle) override

This method is used by the TaskScheduler to set the task FreeRTOS task handle when the task is created. This handle is used for suspending, resuming, or deleting the task.

TaskHandle_t * GetHandle() override

Returns a pointer reference of the task's handle.

StaticTask_t * GetTaskBuffer() override

Returns a pointer reference to the task's Task Control Block (TCB);

StackType_t * GetStack() override

Returns a pointer reference of the task's pre-allocated stack.


The TaskInterface class is used to provide a generalization for the Task class since the Task class takes in a template argument.

Future Advancements