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Clock Control

In order for systems to operate they need a clock signal. Almost all platforms have a means of controlling, in some fashion the clock rate supplied to their internal systems. Systems typically support the following:

  1. Selecting which oscillators to use as frequency sources.
  2. Dividing/reducing the frequency of clock sources.
  3. Multiplying/increasing the frequency of clock sources.
  4. Further reduce the frequency of clock sources to specific subsystems and peripherals.

This does not describe all systems, but is typical.

Increasing the clock rate of particular system can increase their performance, but can increase power consumption. Decreasing the clock rate can decrease performance but will also decrease power consumption.

How this is handled in SJSU-Dev2

Clocking and power management is handled by the platform's L1/SystemController. Clocking system can be quite unique across platforms. So unique that a functional API for controlling clock systems is not feasible. Thus the SystemController interface only exposes two functions for controlling the clocks of a system. Those are:

/// Handles self initialization and clock configuration based on the
/// ClockConfiguration object passed to the controller's constructor. Like other
/// initialize methods, this may be called multiple times during the
/// applications runtime. Note that calling this will return the system's clocks
/// back to their safest operating modes, and will then times This will power
/// on any systems required to operate based on the ClockConfiguration object.
virtual void Initialize() = 0;

/// @returns a pointer to the clock configuration object used to
///          configure this system controller.
virtual void * GetClockConfiguration() = 0;

Read the API comments in the code block above to get an idea of what these two methods do.

Clock Configuration In Main

At startup, before main is called, the default InitializePlatform() will set the platform's system controller as the global platform controller. This means you can retrieve a reference to the platform controller using:

auto & controller = sjsu::SystemController::GetPlatformController();

Example of ClockConfiguration object

Lets use the LPC40xx platform as an example as its clock tree is quite small. A clock tree is the path and interconnection of clock sources to each other in the system.

struct ClockConfiguration
 // =========================================================================
 // Oscillator Settings
 // =========================================================================

 /// The frequency of the external oscillator crystal. This field must not be
 /// set to 0_Mhz if an external oscillator is to be used anywhere in the
 /// system.
 units::frequency::megahertz_t external_oscillator_frequency = 0_MHz;

 /// The choice for system oscillator. If the external oscillator is used,
 /// then the `external_oscillator_frequency` must be some non-zero value.
 OscillatorSource system_oscillator = OscillatorSource::kIrc;

 // =========================================================================
 // PLL Configuration
 // =========================================================================

 /// Represents the two PLLs in the clock tree
   /// Whether the PLL should be enabled or not.
   bool enabled = false;
   /// The output rate multiplication factor of the PLL. If the input is 12
   /// MHz and the multiply constant is 2, then the output frequency will be
   /// 24 MHz. The limit for this can be found in the
   ///    datasheets/sjtwo/LPC40xx/UM10562.pdf
   ///     or
   ///    datasheets/lpc40xx/UM10562.pdf
   uint8_t multiply = 1;
 } pll[2] = {};

 // =========================================================================
 // Clock Sources and Dividers
 // =========================================================================

 /// Represents the configuration options for the CPU
   CpuClockSelect clock = CpuClockSelect::kSystemClock;
   uint8_t divider      = 1;
 } cpu = {};

 /// Represents the configuration options for USB
   UsbClockSelect clock = UsbClockSelect::kSystemClock;
   UsbDivider divider   = UsbDivider::kDivideBy1;
 } usb = {};

 /// Represents the configuration options for SPIFI
   SpifiClockSelect clock = SpifiClockSelect::kSystemClock;
   uint8_t divider        = 1;
 } spifi = {};

 /// Defines the peripheral clock divider amount
 uint8_t peripheral_divider = 1;
 /// Defines the EMC clock divider amount
 EmcDivider emc_divider = EmcDivider::kSameSpeedAsCpu;

ClockConfiguration objects are POD (plain 'ol data), thus they will not have methods or even static functions to do certain operations, although this may change in the future.

Each field in the structure that is not a number or bool is an enumeration used to constrain the possible options a particular field can be.


In most cases, the clock tree diagram in the user manual for the platform will need to be consulted in order to understand how each of the fields in the ClockConfiguration object connects with each other. If an field is missing and you need it for your project, please be sure to add a feature request issue on the github.

Clock Configuration Retrieval & Modification

Here we grab the platform controller and store it into a system reference variable. Next we use that reference to get the ClockConfiguration using GetClockConfiguration(). This is version of GetClockConfiguration() takes the type of the ClockConfiguration object which is used to cast and return the a reference to that ClockConfiguration type rather than void*. Notice that the platform configuration object is typically defined within the SystemController.

auto & system = sjsu::SystemController::GetPlatformController();
auto & config = system.GetClockConfiguration<

Now that we have a reference to the config object, we can modify it.

// Select system clock (use crystal oscillator directly)
config.cpu.clock =
// Make sure to utilize the internal oscillator only.
config.system_oscillator =
// Make sure PLL0 is enabled and available
config.pll[0].enabled  = true;
config.pll[0].multiply = 4;

Finally, in order to actually use these new settings, we have two methods:

Method 1

auto result = system.Initialize();
if (!result)
  // Handle error ...

This option seems like the obvious choice but has a fatal issue. During platform initialization, peripherals and other drivers that are enabled at startup will have adjusted their own clock frequencies based on the frequency they were fed initially. If you change underlying clock without also rerunning those driver's initialize methods, their clocks will be incorrect and the drivers will not perform as expected. The behavior is undefined and can potentially lock up the platform.

Method 2 (best practice)


Calling the InitializePlatform() function directly, will prevent the issues in Method 1, since InitializePlatform() will handle re-initializing the peripherals based on the new clock settings.


This only re-initializes the peripherals used at startup. These WILL NOT re-initialize all of the peripherals and drivers you have in your application.

Clock Configuration Examples

Clock configuration examples can be found in the demos/ folder with the name clock_configuration.

Best practices

Best time to change clocks

The best time to change the clock rate for the platform is at the beginning of the main() function before any peripherals or drivers have been initialized. Prefer to only change the clock rate once during runtime.

Note that if you change the operating frequency of the system after peripherals or other drivers have already been initialized, then those drivers will have been setup with a frequency that does not match the actual state of the device. In this case, you either need to re-run the initialization of each of the drivers and peripherals in your application or simply set the clocks before initialization, which tends to reduce code complexity and size. Failure to do this will lead to undefined behavior.

Changing clock rates in a thread

First off, DON'T! But if you feel the need to, prefer to have just 1 thread manage this, or have a mutex lock usage of this resource. The clock tree is a single hardware resource and the configuration object is a single statically allocated object, thus are not thread safe to manipulate without some sort of protection.

Power Savings

Set the clock rates to the lowest values possible that still fit your performance needs. This will very likely require testing of the platform to verify that the platform is performing as expected.

After that point, there is no need to change the clock rates further. If you want to lower the power consumption further, you will need to put the device into a low power or sleep mode. Do not adjust the clocks dynamically at runtime in order to reduce power. Use the platform's low power modes.

Resetting Configuration Objects

All configuration objects come default initialized to a state that reflects the reset state of the platform, but in the case where it has been changed and needs to be reset to a known state, simply creating an instance of that clock configuration object and assigning it to the config reference will do the trick.

sjsu::lpc40xx::SystemController::ClockConfiguration new_config;
auto & config = system.GetClockConfiguration<

// Set to the new configuration, which will reset the configuration back to its
// default state.
config = new_config;

// Call sjsu::InitializePlatform() to allow the new clocks to take effect.


  • I ran sjsu::InitializePlatform() and my platform stopped working, hard faulted or crashed.
    • It is likely that the settings you gave to the configuration object are outside of the bounds of what is acceptable for the platform, causing this issue. Consult the user manual to see if there is anything you have done incorrectly.

Information For Collaborators

  1. sjsu::InitializePlatform() MUST NOT alter the ClockConfiguration object when it is called, to allow the user to have full control over the object.
  2. Every field in the ClockConfiguration structure must have a default value that reflects the reset state of the device.
  3. The sjsu::SystemController::Initialize() method, like all other Initialize() methods must be callable multiple times.