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FreeRTOS Task Scheduler






The TaskScheduler along with the Task Interface provide an abstraction layer for the management of FreeRTOS tasks.


The TaskScheduler is a FreeRTOS task scheduler responsible for scheduling tasks that inherit the Task interface. The scheduler utilizes the FreeRTOS Event Group to ensure all tasks have been successfully initialized before proceeding to the execution any task.

Detailed Design


class TaskInterface;

class TaskSchedulerInterface
  virtual EventGroupHandle_t GetPreRunEventGroupHandle() const = 0;
  virtual EventBits_t GetPreRunSyncBits() const                = 0;
  virtual uint8_t GetTaskCount() const                         = 0;
  virtual void AddTask(TaskInterface * task)                   = 0;
  virtual void RemoveTask(const char * task_name)              = 0;
  virtual TaskInterface * GetTask(const char * task_name)      = 0;
  virtual uint8_t GetTaskIndex(const char * task_name) const   = 0;
  virtual TaskInterface * const * GetAllTasks() const          = 0;

class TaskScheduler : public TaskSchedulerInterface
  EventGroupHandle_t GetPreRunEventGroupHandle() const override;
  EventBits_t GetPreRunSyncBits() const override;
  uint8_t GetTaskCount() const override;
  void AddTask(TaskInterface * task) override;
  void RemoveTask(const char * task_name) override;
  TaskInterface * GetTask(const char * task_name) override;
  uint8_t GetTaskIndex(const char * task_name) const override;
  TaskInterface * const * GetAllTasks() const override;
  void Start();

  static void RunTask(void * task_pointer);
  void InitializeAllTasks();

  TaskInterface * task_list_[config::kTaskSchedulerSize];
  uint8_t task_count_;
  StaticEventGroup_t pre_run_event_group_buffer_;
  EventGroupHandle_t pre_run_event_group_handle_;
  EventBits_t pre_run_sync_bits_;

Configuring the Scheduler Size

By default the TaskScheduler's size is configured to schedule a maximum of 16 tasks in config.hpp.

#endif // !defined SJ2_TASK_SCHEDULER_SIZE

Note: This configuration can be changed by defining your own SJ2_TASK_SCHEDULER_SIZE in the project_config.hpp.

Adding a Task to the Scheduler

All tasks inheriting the Task interface is automatically added to the scheduler when constructed.

void AddTask(TaskInterface * task) override

Adds a task to the scheduler. If the scheduler is full, an error is asserted to recommend an increase in the default task scheduler size.

Starting the Scheduler

The TaskScheduler can be started by invoking the Start() method.

void Start() override

Invoked to start the scheduler. The following sequence is performed:

  1. Check the task_list_ to ensure that there is at least one task added to the scheduler. If no tasks are added, output a warning message to notify the user that there a currently no scheduled tasks.
  2. Invoke InitializeAllTasks() to initialize all scheduled tasks.
  3. Invoke vTaskStartScheduler() to start executing the scheduled tasks.

void InitializeAllTasks() override

The following sequence is performed when initializing scheduled tasks:

  1. Statically create a FreeRTOS task through the xTaskCreateStatic() method for each task scheduled in the task_list_.
  2. Check the returned handle from xTaskCreateStatic(). If the handle is a nullptr, then the task was created unsuccessfully and an error is asserted.
  3. If the task was created successfully, invoke Setup() of each task. If a task fails to complete Setup(), terminate initialization and assert an error through SJ2_ASSERT_FATAL.
  4. If the task was successfully created and successfully completes Setup(), set the task’s event sync bit in pre_run_sync_bits_ based on the task’s index position in task_list_.
  5. Statically create the Event Group handler.

Task Execution

Each task is responsible for completing its own PreRun() and wait for the PreRun() of all other tasks to be completed before continuing to execute Run().

EventGroupHandle_t pre_run_event_group_handle_;
StaticEventGroup_t pre_run_event_group_buffer_;
EventBits_t pre_run_sync_bits_;
A FreeRTOS Event Group is used to synchronize the PreRun() of each task. When a task completes its PreRun() it broadcasts a notification by setting its sync bit and waits for all other task sync bits to be set.

More information regarding FreeRTOS Event Groups can be found here.

static void RunTask(void * task_pointer)

The following sequence is performed, where Step 1 is only performed once:

  1. Get the PreRun Event Group handle and determine the running task’s sync bit by retrieving its task index from the scheduler's task list.
  2. Invoke the task’s PreRun() and assert a fatal error if the task’s PreRun() fails to complete. If PreRun() completes successfully, set the task’s sync bit in the Event Group and wait for all other task’s sync bits to be set.
  3. When all sync bits are set, Run() can now begin. If a desired delay time is set, invoke vTaskDelayUntil().

Retrieving a Task

TaskInterface * GetTask(const char * task_name) override

Returns a pointer reference of the task by its task name. If the task does not exist in the scheduler, a nullptr is returned.

uint8_t GetTaskIndex(const char * task_name) const override

Returns the index of a task in the task_list_ by the provided task_name. This method is used by the scheduler the manage a task's PreRun Event Group sync bit. If the task does not exist in the scheduler, the maximum task count + 1 is returned. For example, if the maximum task count is 16, then 17 is returned if the task does not exist.

TaskInterface * const * GetAllTasks() const override

Returns a pointer reference to an immutable array of all currently scheduled tasks.

Removing a Task from the Scheduler

void RemoveTask(const char * task_name) override

The following is performed to remove a specified task by its task_name:

  1. Retrieves the task using GetTask() and removes the task by invoking vTaskDelete().
  2. Sets the reference in task_list_ to nullptr.
  3. Decrement the task_count_.



Future Advancements


Testing Plan

Unit Testing Scheme

A total of 17 tasks shall be mocked and stubbed to be used as test inputs for the scheduler. Additionally the following methods from the FreeRTOS library shall be faked:

  • vTaskCreateStatic()
  • xEventGroupCreateStatic()
  • vTaskStartScheduler()
  • vTaskDelete()

The following functions of the TaskScheduler are tested:


  1. Each mock task shall be added to the scheduler:
  2. The task count should be incremented for each added task.
  3. The task count should not exceed 16.


  1. Tasks 1-17 shall be added to the scheduler, with each addition:
  2. The function should return a scheduled task corresponding to the specified task name.
  3. Task named "Task 17" shall be retrieved.
  4. The function should return nullptr.


  1. Tasks 1-17 shall be added to the scheduler, with each addition:
  2. The function should return the index of the task with the matching task name of the task that is being added.
  3. The task count should be incremented by 1.
  4. The index of task named "Does not exist" shall be retrieved.
    • The function should return 17.


  1. The scheduler shall be empty, and a task named "Task A" shall be removed:
  2. vTaskDelete() should have a call count of 0.
  3. Mock tasks named "Task 1", "Task 2", "Task 3", and "Task 4" shall be added to simulate a scheduler that is not empty:
  4. GetTaskCount() should return 4.
  5. The mock task at index = 2, "Task 3", shall be removed:
    • vTaskDelete() should have a call count of 1.
    • Total task count should be 3.
    • Checking index 2 of the task list should be a nullptr.


Tasks 1-16 shall be added to the scheduler where:

  1. Each mock task's Setup() should be invoked once.
  2. vTaskCreateStatic() should have a call count of 16.
  3. xEventGroupCreateStatic() should have a call count of 1.
  4. GetPreRunEventGroupHandle() should return the dummy event group handler.
  5. GetPreRunSyncBits() should return 0xFFFF.
  6. vTaskStartScheduler() should have a call count of 1.

Demonstration Project

A demonstration project can be found here.